This year, Bear turned 10 and that’s a pretty big milestone. We wanted to do it big for his birthday this year and give him what he wanted. But we also wanted to make it under budget. I need to break this down by item to give everyone an idea on how we did it.
The venue:
We chose a place where not only could the kids play but also it provided food and drinks. This is important because you don’t know how many kids will actually show up, but you do know how kids will eat. And trust, kids will always eat more than you think.

We chose a local venue – Fly High Altadena, which is an indoor trampoline park. They had party packages that provided special take-home socks for the kids, but also food and drinks, along with decor and plates and cups. Win-win.

Price: $520.
Originally, we wanted to go with a local baker, but she was fucking crazy in her prices. She actually was trying to charge me $300 for a Minecraft cake. Now, I’m not that great with money, but I know when someone is trying to scam me.
So, with the help of one of my great friends, Estella, we decided to do two Whole Foods Chantilly cakes. I was going to decorate the cakes with Minecraft figurines, and a Minecraft sword. I also commissioned a custom-made Minecraft name from Etsy, Watermelon by Claire.
I also made cupcakes for the kids with store-bought frosting. Note: kids prefer cupcakes over cake.

Cakes: $69.
Minecraft figurines: $20
Minecraft custom name: $12
Cupcakes: $10
Store-bought frosting: $5

Goodie bags
I went on Etsy to get goodie bags. I recommend getting bags where you get everything included with those bags. I chose this seller from Etsy and paid a very reasonable price for my bags. I also went to Party City to get an extra Minecraft cup to go with the bags.

Goodie bags: $40
Party City Cups: $12
Goodie Bags for Bear’s class:
Every year if there are kids who didn’t or couldn’t come to his party, his entire class gets their own goodie bag. I custom make them with candy, erasers, and a small toy. This year, I did it with candy, erasers, and glow sticks. I have to note: these are prices for a class of 30 kids.
Candy: $11.
Erasers: $6.
Glow sticks: $10
Grand total for Bear’s birthday celebrations: $715.00
In comparison to last year, when we celebrated his birthday at home, we spent around $500. So, while it was cheaper to host it at home, we were also responsible for food, drinks, disposables, and the bouncy house.
It was a lesson for us to outsource his birthday festivities for at least now. I’m sure this will change when he gets older and he wants bigger and better things.
How did you celebrate your child’s birthday?